Official Nebraska Government Website
Nebraska Department of Banking and Finance; Images from Nebraska banknotes issued in the 1800s.
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Despite our efforts to be accurate, these pages may contain errors. We present this information to you with a good-faith representation that the information it contains is generally reliable. Information on this site should not be relied upon for legal purposes and is subject to change on a regular basis, without notice.

Problems with any forms, web pages or broken links should be reported to our webmaster. Please be specific as to the nature of the problem so that we may better serve you. See the "Outside Links" section and the "Software" section to address any trouble you have while visiting a site linked to ours or software installed on your computer.

We have attempted to make our site compatible in all browsers and accessible to those with disabilities. However, there are instances in which problems may occur. In order to avoid browser compatability problems, we recommend that you use either Netscape Navigator 4+ or Internet Explorer 5+ to browse our site. Any accessibility problems should be reported to our webmaster. We will attempt to address accessibility issues as they arise and will work to provide an alternate means of disseminating the requested information.

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At times, access to certain documents and forms on our site may require you to download a free software application from a private entity or corporation. The Department of Banking and Finance is not responsible for downloads of suggested applications from an unofficial site. When possible, our site links directly to the official company site for such downloads. Although we offer suggestions and tips to aid our web visitors in this procedure, it is your responsibility to investigate the correct procedure for downloading, installing and using such software applications on your system. In addition, although our site may require such a download, any software licensing agreement you enter into is not transferable to our Department and is legally binding only between you and the licensing corporation.

Problems you encounter while downloading, installing and/or using these applications should be directed to the entity or company offering the product and not to the Department of Banking and Finance. If you do not wish to download necessary software applications to view our documents and forms, you may contact our Department at (402) 471-2171 and alternate arrangements will be made.

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The privacy of individuals who visit the Nebraska Department of Banking and Finance website is important to us. We do not capture personal information about visitors to our site, unless voluntarily submitted through e-mail, electronic forms or other interactive options that may become available to our users in the future. Personal information submitted electronically to our Department is treated in the same manner as information submitted via a mail service or during an office visit.

Any information collected by or voluntarily given to the Department is subject to the Nebraska Public Records Act (Neb. Rev. Stat. �84-712.09), unless the information is determined to fall under exemptions listed in this Act. As such, correspondence and personal information submitted through email, electronic forms or other electronic means may be kept for a specified period of time and then destroyed. At times, this information may be shared with Department staff and/or other government agencies to better serve your needs. Any personal or confidential information given regarding a complaint or alleged legal wrong-doing may be shared with Department staff, the entity against whom the complaint was made, other government agencies and/or law enforcement agencies. We do not compile personal information or other information for sale to third parties or for marketing purposes.

The Nebraska Department of Banking and Finance does collect and retain statistical and technical data about visits to our site, such as the date and time of the visit, the length of the visit, and the pages visited. The information in our web site logs does not distinguish between individual visitors and collects no personal data. We use this information to improve the content of our web services and to help us understand how visitors use our services. This information may be shared within the Department, with other governments agencies or with an outside consultant to improve the quality of our site.

The State of Nebraska retains the right to monitor network traffic to identify any unauthorized attempts to cause damage to or manipulate current information on official state web sites. Such attempts are prohibited by law and could result in an investigation by law enforcement officials. If such an instance occurs, the State of Nebraska will attempt to identify the offending individual user and monitor the offender's usage habits.

Our web site does not currently use "cookies". In order to serve you better, we retain the right to use cookies in the future. Cookies are simple text files stored by your web browser and are used to enhance our functionality and your browsing experience. None of the information collected identifies you personally, but instead stores a randomly generated identifying tag on your computer. Cookies are commonly used to increase an application's functionality and stores information such as: a list of forms you wish to download, search strings, your browsing preferences, etc. Many cookies are only stored temporarily. You have the ability to refuse a cookie or delete the cookie file from your computer using many widely available methods.

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There are security issues involved when submitting personal or confidential information over an Internet connection. The decision to do so is at your discretion.

We attempt at all times to provide our users with a safe Internet browsing experience. However, there may be times when such security measures are beyond our control. You are directly responsible for correct use, maintenance and security of your computer, network system, software applications and/or electronic files. The Nebraska Department of Banking and Finance is not liable for any damages to or loss of your computer, network system, software applications or electronic files due to inadequate security features, user error and/or failure to comply with recommended operating procedures and maintenance; nor is the Nebraska Department of Banking and Finance liable for any damages or loss due to Internet connection and/or service failures, problems, or damages caused by applications owned and maintained by a separate corporation or entity.

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Outside Links

The Department of Banking & Finance uses links to other web sites in an effort to assist users in locating information on topics that might be of interest to them. The Department cannot attest to the accuracy of information provided by linked sites. Linking to a web site does not constitute an endorsement by the Department or any of its employees of the sponsors of the site or the products presented on the site. Technical problems with outside links, other than a link that has been moved or changed, should be reported to the entity that maintains the site, not the Department of Banking & Finance.

If you feel that the content of an outside link is inappropriate, please contact our webmaster.

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Logos and Trademarks

Although most information on our site is public, certain images and graphics are not. Some images/graphics are protected under state law, copyright law and trademark law. State statutes (� 84-501) designates that the Secretary of State is the keeper of the Great Seal of the State of Nebraska. By state law, the seal is not allowed to be counterfeited or imitated and is limited to official state publications. The Nebraska Department of Banking and Finance logo is our official "trademark" and is also protected by trademark laws. This logo is restricted to official publications, electronic or paper, unless otherwise authorized in written form by the Nebraska Department of Banking and Finance.

Acrobat and the Acrobat logo are trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated. For information concerning the use of the Acrobat logo and trademark, contact the Adobe website at

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Use of our website is denoted as your implicit consent of all provisions of this policy. For questions regarding this policy, please contact our Department.

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